Mudras in Yoga

Yogic Hand Mudras: Know It All About The Gateway to Inner Harmony

Table of Contents

  • 1. Are Mudras Scientifically Proven?
  • 2. The Important Mudras In Yogic Flow Of Energy
  • 2.1. Gyan Mudras
  • 2.1.1. Procedure To Perform Gyan Mudra
  • 2.2. Vayu Mudra 
  • 2.2.1. Procedure To Perform Vayu Mudra 
  • 2.3. Surya Mudra 
  • 2.3.1. Procedure To Perform Surya Mudra 
  • 2.4. Shunya Mudra
  • 2.4.1. Procedure To Perform Shunya Mudra
  • 2.5. Buddhi Mudra
  • 2.5.1. Procedure To Perform Buddhi Mudra 
  • 2.6. Apana Mudra 
  • 2.6.1. Procedure To Perform Apana Mudra 
  • 2.7. Varuna Mudra
  • 2.7.1. Procedure To Perform Varuna Mudra
  • 3. End thought

We all know yoga, the ancient science holds its origin in our country and is a treasure trove of amazing secrets that would bring mind, body, and soul into harmony. According to Ayurveda, there are three essential Doshas—Pitta, Kapha, and Vata—that dominate the human body. Ultimately, an imbalance in these doshas results in various health problems. And now for Yoga Mudras, an age-old technique that offers salvation, to help combat these ailments and encourage a healthy way of living. 


Unfortunately, yoga is frequently thought of as only asanas, but it is a brilliant science that may help awaken the seven chakras of the 'nadi mandala' or neurological system within the body by invigorating the different parts of the brain. While many of us are familiar with meditation, Surya Namaskar, and other popular practices, we may be unaware of the significance of Yoga mudras or specific Yogic symbols, motions done with the hands and fingers, in reaching maximum health. 

Let's look at a hand mudras chart to learn about mudras, their various forms, and their significance.  


Are Mudras Scientifically Proven?


Through texts and sayings, one must have heard that the human body is made of elements of agni (fire-heat), jal (water-blood), vayu (air-breath), Prithvi (earth-bones), Akash (sky-emptiness). Thus, the body's functioning and survival are all dependent on nature. Are these elements only in the ancient texts or are they scientifically backed up? It must come as a surprise that scientific research has backed these elements and thus, demonstrates the benefits of mudras in healthcare, and numerous reputable publications have written about their advantages. 


In order to do this, the research study suggested a series of mudras together with a breathing technique that minimizes respiratory problems and concentrates on boosting immunity. A healthy existence can be attained by regularly combining a 30-minute breathing exercise in the morning and evening with mudras. Diseases stem from an imbalance of energy elements, which is shown to control the body's energy element flow. 

The Important Mudras In Yogic Flow Of Energy

The usage of mudras in yoga practice is a strong tool, and these are the basic energizing mudras for improving mental clarity, energy, and overall health. 


Gyan Mudras

Gyan Mudras

Gyan mudra is the wisdom and knowledge mudra. It plays a key part in pranayama and enhances mental focus during meditation. Regular application of this mudra improves cerebral activity. The main advantages of practicing gyan mudras are that they help practitioners sleep better, ease stress, anxiety, sadness, and tension, and enhance blood circulation in the pituitary and neurological systems.


Procedure To Perform Gyan Mudra

  • The ideal position is to sit comfortably; padmasana or Vajrasana work well. 

  • The thumb and index fingertips are in contact as the hands are raised to face upward on the knees. 

  • The tip has to be slightly compressed. Our focus should be on our breathing and our eyes.


Vayu Mudra 

Vayu Mudra

Air imbalance disorders including gas pain, flatulence, joint pain, bloating, and stomach discomfort respond well to the Vayu mudra. By restoring your air element's natural flow, this mudra relieves and regulates Vata-related mental and bodily problems.


Procedure To Perform Vayu Mudra 

  • This mudra appears to be similar to the Gyan mudra, but it differs in that the thumb (Vayu) must make contact with the index finger's knuckle or hump, rather than the fingertip as in Gyan. 

  • The goal of pressing down with the index finger is to release tension from the joint, not to force it. 

  • Holding this mudra while performing your Pranayama exercises would yield the best benefits.


Surya Mudra 

Surya Mudra

It is connected to the body's thermal element. It helps dissolve excess fat and contributes to the management of obesity. This mudra strengthens the eyes and enhances vision. It also increases metabolism, aids in weight loss, and helps treat the flu. It reduces excessive LDL cholesterol, eases tension and stress, boosts the body's metabolic processes, and enhances thyroid function. Obesity is a result of hypothyroidism and can impact cardiac function.


Procedure To Perform Surya Mudra 

  • The ideal position is to sit comfortably; padmasana or Vajrasana work well. 

  • The thumb tip contacts the middle of the ring finger when the hands are in the kneeling position with the palms facing up, and the remaining fingers remain straight. 

  • Apply a tiny amount of pressure to ideally perform it. 


Shunya Mudra

Shunya Mudra

The mudra of nothingness is made by applying pressure with your thumb to the upper phalanx of your middle finger. It operates on the fundamental ether (cosmic element) that permeates both space and each of us. This mudra facilitates perceiving the nothingness that exists within you, freeing your mind to focus on nothing but the endless space. You can treat any hearing issue, including earaches, by practicing this mudra regularly for no more than five minutes. Once the issue with your hearing has been resolved, cease doing this mudra.


Procedure To Perform Shunya Mudra

  • Take a comfy seat and practice meditation.

  • The thumb and middle fingers of each hand are touched, with the other fingers remaining straight, as the hands are positioned with their knees facing upward. 

  • When the tip is slightly compressed, the shunya mudra is shown.


Buddhi Mudra

Buddhi Mudra

This is a mental clarity mudra. When you need to interpret intuitive messages from your subconscious (i.e., confusing dreams or meditations), you make this motion. The enhancement of communication, including both internal and external discussion, is one of this mudra's most potent advantages.


Procedure To Perform Buddhi Mudra 

  • For your yoga practice, take a comfortable seat. 

  • To perform this mudra, touch your thumb to your pinky finger while maintaining the straightness of your other three fingers.


Apana Mudra 

Apana Mudra

Early and effective clearance of systemic waste is essential to maintaining human health and well-being before it becomes hazardous. It is also referred to as the digestive mudra and is essential to the control of the excretory system. It controls diabetes, helps treat menstrual issues, and gets rid of indigestion-related illnesses like piles, vomiting, and constipation. Beneficial for heart conditions and suitable for people experiencing chest pain as a result of heart failure. Beneficial to expectant mothers in their ninth month or experiencing a postponed birth, it can facilitate a simple and easy delivery.


Procedure To Perform Apana Mudra 

  • The ideal position is to sit comfortably; padmasana or Vajrasana work well. 

  • The thumb tip touches the middle finger while the remaining fingers remain straight, and the hands are positioned with the legs facing upward.

  • The apana mudra is finished when a small amount of pressure is placed at the tip.


Varuna Mudra

Varuna Mudra

The greatest mudra to improve your outward appearance is the Varun mudra, also known as the water mudra. To put it plainly, it works best to enhance your appearance, particularly your skin. Maintaining the cholesterol levels in the body is aided by the regular application of this mudra, which also makes your skin glow and shields it from various skin issues. 


Procedure To Perform Varuna Mudra

  • With the hands facing up, the knees are bent.

  • Sitting cross-legged with your back straight, touch the tip of your thumb with the tip of your little finger.

  • Maintain the other fingers straight. 


This mudra maintains your body's water balance and promotes fluid circulation, which keeps your skin moisturized. It also gives your face a radiant appearance and eases any aches in your muscles. 


Also read: Bandhas in Yoga

End thought

Mudras can bring about an ultimate rejuvenation of the entire body, however, can you perform all mudras without guidance? We have stated only the basic mudras that are essential in your everyday practice but do you know that across multiple disciples there are close to 399 mudras? So, how will you learn these mudras? To ensure that you learn the mudras that refine your yogic journey, enroll in a 200-hour yoga teacher training course that offers you education on the subject under the guidance of well-versed teachers.

About Author

Himanshi Chhabra
Himanshi Chhabra

Himanshi is a 500-hour Yoga Alliance certified instructor who has been practicing the art of yoga and meditation since the age of 17. With a teaching experience of 6+ years, currently, she is teaching in Rishikesh. Her Expertise is in Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Meditation subjects. She has conducted several batches of yoga training for people from all around the world and writes well-versed write-ups to help aspiring yogis learn the art and enjoy their experiences.

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