Preparation for yoga teacher training

8 Things To Keep In Mind Before You Start Your Yoga Teacher Training

Table of Contents

  • 1. 1. Set Intention 
  • 2. 2. Choose A Place
  • 3. 3. Take Care Of Yourself
  • 4. 4. Familiarize Yourself With Yoga
  • 5. 5. Know What To Expect From The Program 
  • 6. 6. Eliminate Distractions
  • 7. 7. Do Not Compare Yourself With Others 
  • 8. 8. Yoga Community

If you're thinking of registering for a yoga teacher training program then this article can guide you to make this experience a productive and enjoyable one. These are some of the points that helped me along the way to make my yoga teacher training program a joyous experience. 

1. Set Intention 

You must have the correct intentions from the start. You have to consider your motivation for wanting to teach yoga. And it becomes easier for you to achieve your goals after you have defined them. Your goals become more clear to you. Setting intentions also helps you remain motivated and focused during the process.

You can make a list of the goals you have for yourself before starting the course and check to see whether they are met as you go. While forming intentions allow your heart to lead the way, and use clarity and enlightenment.

Why did you choose yoga training? It can be to learn more about yoga or yourself, get the certification, etc. You can encounter challenges during the course that cause you to doubt your abilities and desire to give up. At that point, you need to remind yourself of those motivations and the reason this training is important for you.

Keep in mind that your intentions could alter in the future. Even if you started your course with the goal of teaching afterward, you could discover midway through that teaching isn't as exciting. And it is okay to change your opinion. On the other hand, it is also possible to enroll in a yoga teacher training program with the idea of developing your personal practice changing your mind, and determining that your true calling is to assist others.


2. Choose A Place

Yoga is a profound part of Indian culture and way of life, with roots in ancient spiritual traditions. The best place to complete your teacher training would be in India. There are many places in India like Goa, and Kerala, but if you want to dive deep in and understand yoga then you may visit the Yoga Capital Rishikesh. The city of Rishikesh which is located in northern India and is surrounded by the Himalayas and the holy river Ganga, is a popular destination for travelers and pilgrims from all over the world who come here in quest of serenity. 


Check out the teacher training courses at Heart of Yoga Institute 


It might be challenging to begin in a foreign place. Time is sometimes limited for those of us whose families and jobs back home have set vacation limits. But I would advise anybody planning a yoga teacher training course to come to India. You may spend some time here in India. Your body must require time to establish a habit, a new diet, climate to withstand the heat and humidity. If at all possible, give yourself the gift of time to adjust.

If you want to travel for your training, make sure you have a copy of your itinerary and packing list before you leave. If you're going to be living nearby, arrange your space and plan your meals so you won't be worrying about housework, sleeping, or studying.


3. Take Care Of Yourself

Eat as many whole meals stay hydrated as you can in the weeks leading up to and during your workout and go to bed early. Our bodies and minds heal while we sleep. You will be well-rested and prepared for the best learning experience. 

It's crucial to take good care of your diet in the weeks leading up to the start of your program. It is advised that you follow a high-quality vegetarian diet, much like what you would consume on the retreat. A yogic diet consists of fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains, legumes, dairy products, and eggs.

To ensure that you arrive for your teacher training in the best possible physical shape, make sure you dedicate yourself to developing good habits.


4. Familiarize Yourself With Yoga

The majority of students who enroll in yoga teacher training are acquainted with asana, the poses. But your training will also cover a lot of other aspects of this age-old discipline, such as Yamas and Niyamas (ethical rules). Invest some time in learning basic yoga philosophy beforehand to widen your perspective on the practice. 

You may familiarize yourself with yoga by reading popular yoga books like Asana Pranayama Bandha Mudra Swami Satyananada Saraswati, Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar and Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. After giving it a read you might have questions, record your thoughts and any questions you have that need more research in a diary.


5. Know What To Expect From The Program 

Find as much information as you can about your program to make you feel more at ease and to help you have a better sense of the experience. Don't stop at reading the information on the website. Get in touch with the school and get all the queries resolved. You may also try to get in touch with someone who has previously finished the 200-hour yoga teacher training program. You may find out precise information from a recent graduate to assist you decide if a program is suited for you, as each program is unique and leads teachers and trainers to change. 


6. Eliminate Distractions

Eliminate as many personal and professional responsibilities as you can. Ensure that you are not juggling between your professional work and your teacher training. You will probably be expected to practice asana and read scriptures in addition to attending teacher training classes. Think about getting a daily planner and listing all of your commitments personal and professional. You will be able to remain on track and fulfill all criteria to graduate on time if you have a clear strategy for how you'll spend your time. It is necessary to be dedicated to your learning or the aim to embrace the yogic journey will not be achieved. 


7. Do Not Compare Yourself With Others 

Spend some time exploring the inner barriers that may prevent you from succeeding in your yoga teacher training before you begin. You might feel disappointed when you are unable to perform a pose as you observe your new yoga friends master it. Avoid comparing your practice to other people since the whole point of yoga is to bring your attention within to prepare you for the higher stages of being. Make an effort to concentrate on your technique and discover how to uniquely embody each pose. 

Above all, practice having an open mindset. Be open to accepting new ideas, and stepping beyond your comfort zone. Feel humbled when you become aware of the vastness of the subject.


8. Yoga Community

You may engage in a yoga community and participate in yoga classes or seminars and community activities to connect with like-minded people and to stay updated. Additionally, networking with teachers—both in person and virtually—can lead to mentoring opportunities and insightful information about the teaching profession. 

These are some of the pointers to keep in mind if you're wondering how to begin a yoga teacher training (YTT) program.

About Author

Meghna Banerjee
Meghna Banerjee

Meghna is a 500-RYT, Yoga Alliance certified Yoga teacher. She has conducted over 500 sessions to date. With 6+ years of experience in the health and well-being field, our expert offers an integrative approach toward healing which constitutes evidence-based therapies and transformative yoga practices.

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